ScienceWorld Communication Protocol
The contacts page is for communications with members of ScienceWorld.
The official ScienceWorld email is:
To talk to an individual member, just put there name in the subject like this:
Subject (member's name)-date
ScienceWorld Rocks! (Jack)-15/10/10
We will try to reply to you within 7 days of your email (if it arrives correctly).
Ask A Gamer
ScienceWorld is big on gaming and to ask a question, send in trailers, send in good material, or just a compliment to our gaming department (so it must be related to Gaming!) Follow the same steps as above but also do these things:
- Make it clear what you are trying to say, make it relevant to what the member's position is (e.g. no hardware questions for a Web Gamer).
- Sign as what you want to be called.
- If you are sending any material you want checked out send a link to the exact item.