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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fixing Stuck Pixels Using Batch

06:25:42AM, 05/09/10 AEST-06:46:10AM, 05/09/10 AEST

Stuck pixels are generally just a jam in the LCD display. They can be fixed many different ways and in this post I'll show you how to do it using a batch file.

Now, step one, open up your text editor (mines Notepad) and enter this code:

@echo off
@color 53
@color 23
@color 35
@color 32
goto LOOP

Now, an explanation. :LOOP is the name of our subroutine. @ echo off turns on the echo function (I just put it in their it's not required). @color displays a color (which one depends on the number after it). Then finally, goto LOOP executes the LOOP subroutine. 

This code will be an infinite loop (not really but theoretically). So, save it as whatever you like but end it as .bat filetype. Then execute the batch script and move the window over the area of the stuck pixel(s). Leave it for 5 seconds and then close the program. Feel free to edit the source code as you wish, but leave the colours the same.

Now, if that didn't fix it, try going to and watch the video. 

Yes, I sourced of, but I think it follows the sites philosophy of spreading knowledge. He also has other great tutorials I suggest you watch. In this video, he also has other methods of fixing stuck pixels.


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