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Monday, October 18, 2010


07:24:43AM, 18/10/10 AEST-07:33:16AM, 18/10/10 AEST

For all of you who know about khanacademy and Salman  Khan, you probably know that he is also:

a) Bill Gates' favourite teacher.
b) Was shown on PBS News Hour for his Khanacademy work.
c) Holds a B.S. in Mathematics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
d) Holds an M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
e) Holds an M.B.A in business.
f) Has a wikipedia page (
g) There's loads more yet I won't go on in list format.

I'd just like to say, If you are having trouble with grades, or are just simply curious (like me) or you want to donate please head to his site today.

As I'm writing this I'm watching Scientific Notation 3 on his site.

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